Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Cork Opera House takes your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting it in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). The purpose of our privacy policy statement will inform you on how and why we store your data, what type of data we hold and how it is used.
Why we collect your information
We collect data on our patrons to allow us to communicate with you about events or offers that we think would interest you based on your preferences or transaction history. This information helps Cork Opera House understand more about our audiences and helps us make informed decisions around our strategy, ensuring we are meeting the changing needs of our audiences. We will contact you (depending on your preferences) by email, text, phone, post, online ads.
How we collect your information
When you purchase a ticket or gift voucher through the Box Office or online your name, address data, email and contact number will be stored in our Box Office system. You may, of course, purchase a ticket in person without supplying personal data, with the exception of a contact number that will only be used if a show is cancelled/rescheduled. We do not share your personal details with any other company.
Storing your information
When you visit our website, you can do so without submitting any personal data. However, if you wish to receive communications from us or purchase tickets online you will be asked to register. This involves submitting your personal data, such as your name and contact details and on some occasions your date of birth so that we can administer purchases (tickets, subscriptions, memberships, merchandise and donations) made online, in person or over the telephone.
Credit card details are only requested and used for the sole purpose of handling an individual booking. We don’t store any credit/debit card details on our system. If you choose to save the details of your card for future purchases on your account, these details are captured by Opayo (formerly SagePay), our payment provider, and a token is stored on our system in place of the full card number. If you pay for a membership by direct debit your bank details are stored as Special Category Data. All transactions are conducted in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
You will be asked if you want to receive communication from Cork Opera House. Your response is recorded and adhered to. You can change your preference for communication with Cork Opera House at any point by contacting or, and your preferences will be amended immediately.
Your information and your decision on receiving direct marketing is held on our database along with details of bookings you have made. If you have opted not to be contacted, then the only exception to contact is if an event you have purchased tickets for has been cancelled or rescheduled.
How your Personal Data is kept confidential
In order to protect your personal data and to maintain its quality we use encryption when collecting sensitive data, such as credit card details.
We also have measures in place that limit the access to your information to employees who need that data to provide products and services to you. Our database is secure and password protected.
Personal Data Request
If you would like to review the data we hold for you on our database please contact us, in writing, and we’ll arrange for this information to be disclosed. For security reasons we will ask you to provide proof of identification and will be unable to provide information that identifies other patrons’ data.
Updates to this policy
This policy was updated in July 2023.